Where to Go to Find the Absolute Best Seafood Market in Charleston, SC

by | Jun 6, 2022 | Restaurants

Charleston has long been a fishing town, and some of the oldest buildings and businesses are still in operation today in this historic treasure near the sea. Once home to just a small population, the region today is home to over 90,000 souls. It is no secret that seafood lovers can find delicious fresh seafood at a number of popular restaurants located here like Shem Creek Seafood Restaurants. Learn where to go in order to find the absolute best seafood market in Charleston, SC.

Freshness Matters Immensely When Cooking Seafood Dishes

There are no shortages of professional and amateur chefs and cooks here in South Carolina. They will all tell you that freshness truly does matter when cooking up some scrumptious seafood dishes. How fresh seafood is determines how the seafood will taste and appear when plated. Anyone who has ever eaten seafood that was frozen or not as fresh as it could be likely remembers the rubbery consistency of the items and the nasty fishy smell and taste is something best forgotten but almost never is.

The Popular Shem Creek Seafood Restaurants Are Fourth Generation Owned/Operated Today

Over 75 years ago, the Shem Creek seafood restaurants were first started in the quaint and quiet fishing town of Mt. Pleasant on the banks of the historic Shem Creek. Since then, thousands of customers have enjoyed the tantalizing bounty of family recipe dishes served here since that auspicious beginning.

Come Discover This Area’s Best Seafood Market in Charleston, SC Soon Contact Mt. Pleasant Seafood by phone or access http://mtpleasantseafood.com.